Heritage Arms Society is an invitation only organization, currently limited to 80 members who renew annually with payment of dues and participation in Society activities.
Application Process
Candidates for membership must complete an application form and attend at least three meetings as the guest of an active member. The completed and signed application form is to be submitted to the Membership Director.
Should a membership slot be available, the applicant will be introduced to the general membership for consideration. The applicant will present a small display of item(s) from their collection at that meeting, preferably complemented by a short presentation lasting no longer than 5 to 10 minutes at most. The focus should be on:
Who you are? What do you collect? How will you be an asset to HAS if voted in?
The application will be discussed and voted on at that or a later membership meeting, with the applicant not present during deliberation.
Expected of New Members
The board of directors suggests that new members complete at least 2 of the 4 following activities during the first 2 years of membership. Progress will be monitored by the new member’s sponsor.
Have or share a sale and/or display table at the H.A.S. annual show.
Serve as a board member if so requested.
Present a program at a regular meeting.
Write an article for the H.A.S. newsletter.
Work as a volunteer at our Annual HAS Show.
Membership Fees
An initiation fee of one year’s dues is required after accepted into H.A.S. Members remain in good standing with payment of annual dues no later than 31 December preceding a membership year. All memberships expire on 31 December unless renewed by payment of designated dues.